Jackson Methods Literature

Updated: 2004-07-01


JSP and JSD were first articulated and worked out in the 1970's and 1980's -- in the Pre-Web-Epoch -- so virtually all of the material describing them is printed. Relatively few detailed descriptions of JSP or JSD are available on the Web, although you can find several Web sites with overviews. The major works on JSP and JSD are still in print or easily available from Web sites that deal with used books. Most secondary publications are out of print.

Major Works

The major published works on JSP and JSD are:


JSP - A Practical Method of Program Design by Leif Ingevaldsson, 1977 (Studentlitteratur in Sweden, and Chartwell-Bratt in the UK). This was one of the first introductions to JSP, and was very readable. (Out of print; difficult to find used copies.)

Practical program development using JSP by Ralph Storer, 1987 (Blackwell Scientific Publications, ISBN 0-632-01545-4) (Out of print; difficult to find used copies.)

Jackson Structured Programing (JSP) for Practical Program Design by Kay Dudman (Springer Verlag; ISBN: 0387915044; November 1996)

Creating Effective Software: Computer Program Design Using the Jackson Methodology by David King {ASIN: 0131892428; Prentice Hall; January 1988)

A recommendation by Glenn R Williams: "I've just read an excellent book (in German) by Klaus Kilberth, called JSP: Einfuehrung in die Methode des Jackson Structured Programming (Friedrich Viweg & Sohn, 8th Edition, Sept 2001, ISBN:3-528-74576-2). I got it from Amazon.de. The interesting thing is that it is in print and in its 8th edition! It comes complete with problems and solutions, and has some interesting ideas on using JSP with RDBMS's.

Systems Programming With JSP by Bo Sanden {ASIN: 914422091X, Studentlitteratur , 1985}


Jackson System Development   by Alistair Sutcliffe (Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-508136-X , 1988) is a very readable introduction to JSD.

"A System Development Method"   by Michael Jackson is available for download from this site. It is an early (1981) paper providing a good overview of JSD, from the man who developed it.

Software Engineering Fundamentals - the Jackson Approach by Leif Ingevaldsson (Studentlitteratur; 1990) (Out of print; difficult to find used copies.)

The Jackson Approach to System Development, an introduction by C.G. Davies & P.J. Layzell ( ISBN 0-86238-321-8; Chartwell-Bratt; 1993) (Out of print; difficult to find used copies.)

Other Publications

LBMS Jackson system development, Version 2.0 Method manual   by LBMS (Learmonth, Burchett Management Systems) (John Wiley & Sons; ISBN 0-471-93565-4; 1992) (Out of print; difficult to find used copies.) (Steve Ferg may have a copy for sale.)

IEEE documents Web site is a good source for articles published in IEEE publications. Articles can be faxed or mailed to you. You can get from them, for example, "An Overview of JSD" by John R. Cameron, an article that appeared in the February 1986 issue (vol SE-12, No. 2) of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pages 222 through 240. (document number of 0098-5589/86/0200-0222).

Ghost Publications

You may find references to a book called A Field Guide to System Development: Modern Applications of the Jackson Method   by P. Grant Rule. This book was planned, but never published.